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International mindedness is “caught, not taught” by building an ethos that encourages certain habits of the mind and the heart, and certain actions and practices based on principles.

It fosters values, inculcates attitudes, develops abilities and encourages practices that underlie or facilitate the bridging of social and cultural differences.

The international venture at DPS Raipur seeks to go beyond the barriers of language, nationality, caste, creed and religion. We hitherto cement friendship without frontiers in a broader vista of understanding.

International Vistas 1

International Vistas 2

   Teacher- Student Exchange- Hounsdown Science College, U.K and DPS Raipur

After a gregarious student cultural exchange experience of a fortnight, a group of 10 students along with 2 teachers returned to Delhi Public School, Raipur from Hounsdown Science College, Southampton, United Kingdom. They got an opportunity to attend Spanish, Ethics and Beliefs, art classes which gave them an insight into their education modus operandi and taught them to gel in team activities with British students.

Capitalising on their chance to share about their unique culture and tradition, the teachers representing DPS, Raipur showcased their talent in Henna designing, Rangoli, sand art, cooking and Hindi speaking which mesmerised the British students and teachers who took pride in trying them all. Cherishing and reminiscing the ferry ride in London to capture full-fledged glimpses of Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, Tower Bridge, the world famous Big Ben, Westminster Bridge, educational institutions like Oxford, Magdalen college, Lancing College, various museums, forts and dockyards, Indian restaurants and malls to name a few. International learning propels one towards acceptance and understanding of different perspectives, so Exchange programs should continue as a fervent event for edification of the schools.

   Japan Exchange Program

With a view to augment the echelons of the education system, a delegation of 20 students of Delhi Public School, Raipur headed by Principal, Mr. Raghunath Mukherjee and Headmistress, Ms. R. Bhawani escorted for Japan. This is yet another self-motivated erudition student exchange program under the aegis of Japan Education Centre and Information in India (JECI) with which our school has joined hands. Keika Gakuen Junior and Senior High School, Tokyo have been selected for this rationale. It involved collective learning of harvesting crops, cleanliness, martial arts, Japanese language and culture, to mention a few from Japanese students under the guidance of their teachers while Yoga, mathematics skills, IT skills, English and Indian culture mentored by DPS students.

A 10 day itinerary encompassing seminars, assemblies, debates, on various topics and local sightseeing including visit to Buddhist temples, Tokyo Disneyland to understand the layers of history and unchanging rich traditions certainly provided the exchange students a competitive advantage in their future endeavours. The student enthusiasts participating in this exchange also showcased Chhattisgarh’s tribal heritage through rendition of renowned songs and portrayal of its culture through folk dances and dance drama.

The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

~ Seuss